About Us
Integrity And Synergy
Our goal is to have a win-win scenarios for all parties. When we are looking at a potential investment, merger or expansion, we always evaluate maximum application of an existing assets in order to benefit all entities by achieving synergy between the projects.
Real estate equity. We acquire and manage high-quality, income-producing assets at discounts to replacement costs like development opportunities, commercial real estate, residential portfolios, office, retail hospitality and industrial segments.
Development and reconstruction. Dealing with the upside potential is a very sensitive business, where every point is accountable. Best team of contractors and construction management is a key to success.
We raise, invest and manage equity on behalf of some of the world’s most prominent funds as well as other institutional and individual investors.
Private Equity. Direct investments in pre-selected high-quality private businesses. We accesses investments globally in a wide range of industries by playing a vital role in providing businesses with needed capital to realize growth potential in tech, retail, food&beverage and energy sectors.